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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

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How to format a PC

How to Format Computer - Windows Vista

In this tutorial we will be installing clean version of Windows Vista.
Usually people format windows vista in try to fix their system, repair some functionality or upgrade from windows XP.
Recommended: If you are not sure about your computer hardware compatibility with Windows Vista, get this Upgrade Advisor and check your system compatibility. Next make sure that you have the Drivers CD (that came when you’ve purchased your PC), or if you don’t have them, download the latest Vista drivers for your hardware (you can find them at the support section of your hardware manufacturer, remember to save them to different partition than “C:” (don’t save them in MyDocuments folder, it will get deleted with the formatting), safest way is to store them in other partition than C: (ex. D: , E: , removable drive like USB or burn them on a CD/DVD)
Now after you are sure that your PC is compatible with Vista, and you have all the drivers saved, you can proceed with Formatting Windows Vista.
  • Step 1. Insert your Windows Vista DVD. The DVD is bootable so after you restart your PC (with the DVD inside) the Windows Vista Setup will begin loading ( if the setup doesn’t start automatically, make another restart and press F2, or F8 after the boot screen and select boot from DVD ).
  • Step 2. The first screen of the Format Windows Vista sequence will show up. At this point you need to select your Language and Time and currency format (click the image to enlarge). Press Next.
  • Step 3. Press Install Now
  • Step 4. After a min you will be asked for your Product Key. Scenario 1: If you don’t have your product key, you can skip this step and at the next step you will be asked to pick Vista Package that you want to install : Vista Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate. If you install windows vista without providing product key, after 14 days you will have to enter a valid product key, or if you don’t, you’ll be forced to format windows vista again. This is good if you want to test which windows vista version is best for you, before your purchase.
    Scenario 2: You enter your product key (keep it handy!), and at the next screen your purchased version will be auto-recognized.
  • Step 5. Accept the Microsoft Windows User License Terms and press Next
  • Step 6. Dialog – “Which type of installation do you want ?” Scenario 1: If you already have another operating system installed (ex. Windows XP) you will have the Upgrade option enabled. It’s up to you to decide if you prefer “clean” install or upgrading from previous Windows Installation. Clean install is recommended for improving system performance, and Upgrade Setup is recommended if you have some files in your C: , My Documents, or Desktop folders that you don’t want deleted.
    Scenario 2: You already have operating system installed but you want to format your drive, deleting the old system and installing fresh Windows Vista copy. In that case select the C: drive and press Format ( don’t format all drives! only the primary where we are installing Windows Vista – ” C: “. The setup will do the rest.
  • Step 7. Select Disk 0 and click Next
  • Step 8. The copy process will begin. This process can take some time, so relax a bit, make a coffee or something :D . Your input won’t be required here for some time.
  • Step 9. After Windows Vista Setup finishes, the computer will reboot.
  • Step 10. Windows Vista files are copied , and now setup will configure Windows Vista for your PC. This step will take some really good time.
  • Step 11. Installing Windows Vista finishes, insert your User Name and Password here.
  • Step 12. Give your PC a name! and select one of the colorful backgrounds
  • Step 13. Select your preferred security settings. If this computer is not behind a firewall, the best option is the ” Use Recommended settings”. If you are using firewall then you can select “Install important updates only” (Windows Update). If you want to be protected and your Windows Vista to have the latest updates from Microsoft , select the first option.
  • Step 14. Select your time zone and location.
  • Step 15. Network Configuration – Select your computer location. This settings sets your network permissions.
  • Step 15. This is self explanatory :) Welcome to your new Windows Vista Operating System
  • Step 16. After you press Start, some Windows Vista settings will be upgraded automatically.
  • Step 17. You now need to install some drivers that the system will not install automatically.
  • Thats it! You’ve finished installing Windows Vista.
Get the complete version of this tutorial with screenshots and detailed instructions here (link)

How to Format computer Windows XP

This explains step-by-step how to format hard drive partition using the Windows XP installation CD.
Before you continue, make sure you have backup of all documents you may need that are saved in C:, My Documents folder or your desktop.
Tip: Click the images to enlarge.
  • Step 1- Installation CD Insert your Windows XP installation disc into your CD or DVD drive.

  • Step 2 – Restart your computer and start Windows setup using Microsoft Windows bootable XP disk
  • Restart your computer. As you computer boots, a screen with message “Press any key to boot from CD..” will show up counting from 9 to 0, here you need to press any key to start the setup. Note: If your computer doesn’t display the “Press any key to boot from CD..” message (by default it should), check your motherboard manual for info where to enable the “Boot from CD” setting, after you enable “Boot from CD” option from your BIOS, the message will show.
  • Step 3 – System Loading After you enter the setup, the CD will load up a blue screen and will start loading operating system files (this make take few minutes). When it finishes, it will list a few options, “Press ENTER to set up Windows XP now” is the one we need. Click it.
  • Step 4 – Accept Windows usage agreement Second screen is “The windows usage agreement”. It should be displayed now, showing that you need to press F8 to accept the agreement. Press F8 to accept. How to format a computer
  • Step 5 – Setup start If an existing Windows XP installation is detected by the system, you are prompted to repair it. We will bypass this step
  • Step 6 – Delete old partition and format At this point you need to select the partition where you prefer to install Windows Xp. This is where you will delete your partition and format drive C. The box in the lower half of the screen shows all your drives and the partitions that currently exist on your hard disk. Use the Up and Down Arrow keys to highlight/select your “C:” partition and press the “D” key (pic 6.1). On the next screen press the ‘L’ key (pic 6.2) to confirm that you want to delete partition “C:”, and finalize the deleting of the partition. (if you have only “Unpartitioned space” and you have no C: or D: partitions, skip this step) How to format a computer
  • Step 7 – Create installation partition Now you should be back on the screen prompted to choose where to install Windows. The box on the lower half of the screen should no longer show a partition, instead of “C:” you should see “Unpartitioned space xxxxxMB”. Select/highlight this with the arrow keys and press the “C” key to create a partition on the drive (this is where you will install windows). Now setup tells you the minimum and maximum sizes the partition can use and lets you pick the size. The default size is the maximum available, leave the default value and press Enter.
  • Step 8 – Format the computer (the hard disk) This screen lets you choose the file system you prefer the drive to be formatted with. Choose NTFS “Quick” (recommended because NTFS is faster and more secure). Use the arrow keys to select and hit Enter. How to format a computer
  • Step 9 – Start Windows XP Setup Setup will start to and will auto-format the “C:” partition, and start with Windows XP installation. From here you are all set and the installation of Windows will proceed. This will take a while. The computer will reboot several times, and will continue with installation. Don’t remove the Windows XP setup CD, and don’t press a key when prompted (we already did that).

  • Get the complete version of this tutorial with screenshots and detailed instructions here (link)

Procedure for Cancellation of I-Tickets

Cancellation of tickets before departure of trains
Cancellation of I-Tickets can be done at any computerised reservation counter across the country and a cancellation ticket obtained. NO CASH REFUND will be given. Service Charge is also not refundable. The refund amount will be credited to the respective credit card account electronically, the following day of cancellation. Refund of fare shall be made after deduction of cancellation charge of the fare as follows:

If a ticket is cancelled more than one day in advance of the scheduled departure of the train (excluding the day of Journey), cancellation charges shall be deducted at the flat rate of Rs.50/- for AC First Class/Executive Class, Rs.30/- for AC 2 Tier/AC 3 Tier/First Class/AC Chair car, Rs.20/- for Sleeper Class and Rs.10/- for Second Class.

If a ticket is cancelled within one day in advance (excluding the day of journey) and upto 4 hours before the departure of the train,cancellation charges shall be 25% of the fare subject to the minimum flat rate mentioned in the above clause.
Cancellation of tickets after departure of trains
I-Tickets can also be cancelled in the above manner,at the boarding station, within 4 hours before the scheduled departure of the train and

Upto 3 hrs after actual departure of train for tickets upto a distance of 200kms

Upto 6 hrs after actual departure of train for tickets upto a distance of 201-500kms.

Upto 12 hrs after actual departure of train for tickets over a distance of 500kms.
In all the above cases, cancellation charges will be 50% of the fare subject to the minimum flat rate mentioned in the above clause.
To cancel tickets after the above period:

Surrender the I-Ticket with the Station Master and obtain a Ticket Deposit Receipt.

Prefer your claim for refund to the following address attaching the originalcopy of the Ticket Deposit Receipt:
Dy.General Manager/Operations,
Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation,
9th Floor, Bank of Baroda Building,
16 Parliament Street,
New Delhi - 110 001.

IRCTC will process the refund claim with the Railway Administration and refund granted by the Railway shall be credited to your credit card account

Refund claims under above clause may require at least 60 days or more for processing.
Cancellation of E-tickets in case of trains cancelled:
I-Ticket can be cancelled upto 72 hrs after the scheduled departure of train at any computerised reservation counter.
The above rules of Indian Railways are subject to change without prior notice

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The main way of earning revenue with AdSense is by displaying Google ads on your site.
With AdSense for content, these ads you display on your site can be either cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-thousand-impression (CPM) ads. For CPC ads, you'll generate earnings when your users click on the ads. For CPM ads, you'll generate earnings every time the ad appears to a user viewing your site.

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You won't, however, receive revenue from user searches through your AdSense for Search box. When users perform searches on your site, but choose not to click on the ads on the search results pages, you will not receive any earnings.

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How much will I earn with AdSense?

There's no precise answer, because your earnings will depend on a number of factors.
  • The type of ads appearing on your pages: By displaying ads with AdSense for content, you can display ads that are paid when users click them or when users view them. All ads compete in an ad auction, and our system automatically selects those which will generate the most revenue for you while ensuring a good user experience.
  • The pricing of ads appearing on your pages: Not all ads are priced the same, so factors such as changing advertiser budgets, your specific content, and the ads your users choose to click will cause your earnings to vary even from day to day.
  • How many AdSense products you use: You can earn from AdSense in many different ways -- by displaying ads on your webpages, by providing search to your users, by displaying ads in feeds, and more. Using more AdSense products will increase your potential earnings.
The best way to find out how much you'll earn is to sign up and start showing ads on your webpages. There's no cost, no obligation, and getting started is quick and easy. Sign up now.
Once you're a part of Google AdSense, you can see your earnings at any time by signing in and viewing your reports. You'll be able to see the total number of ad clicks, impressions, clickthrough rate, and your total earnings. This information will give you an idea of how well the program is performing for you and how much you can expect to earn over time in the program.

For More details and updated

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Indian Railways Rules For Luggage


Luggage which is not fully and legibly addressed in English or Hindi will not be accepted for booking and carriage by train. Luggage which is not securely packed will not be accepted for booking and carriage unless the sender or his authorized agent executes a forwarding note and record there in such defects or improper packing. Luggage which is required to travel by the same train with the owner should be presented at the luggage office of the booking station at least 30 minutes before the advertised departure time of the train . Passengers booking their accommodation in advance are permitted to book their luggage in advance at the same time. Bulky surcharge is applicable only on package weighing above 100 kgs or exceeding 1m*1m*0.7m in outside measurement. Package s exceeding any one of the dimension specified will be treated as bulky even though the actual weight is less than 100 kgs on volu-metric basis. However if one of the dimension is exceeded by 10% of the prescribed measurement but weight is within 100 kgs., on volumetric basis, it will not be treated as bulky. Bulky surcharge will be levied at double the normal rate.

Offensive articles, explosive, dangerous, inflammable articles and empty gas cylinders, dead poultry, and game, acids and other corrosive substance are not permitted to be booked as luggage.

Trunks, suitcase and boxes having outside measurement of 100 cms. x 60 cms x 25 cms (length x breadth x height) will be allowed to be carried in the passenger compartments as personal luggage. If the trunks, suitcase, and boxes, which in outside measurement exceed any one of the dimension, such articles are required to be booked and carried in the brake van and not in the passengers' compartment . Maximum size of the trunks/suitcase than can be carried in the AC-3 tire and AC chair Car compartment is 55 cmsx45 cms x 22.5 cms.

Oxygen cylinder with its supporting stand with patients under medical certificate can be permitted to be carried in all classes. Free allowance of luggage will be granted on oxygen cylinder and its supporting stand.

Merchandized items are not permitted for booking and carriage in the compartment as personal luggage.

Luggages of larger dimension are to be carried only by brake van . The minimum charge for luggage is Rs.30.

As per instructions, there is no restriction on carriage of luggage in brake van of passenger trains as far as quantity and type (personal or merchandise) of luggage offered for booking is concerned .However, the excess luggage in owner's charge beyond the free allowance is charged at 1.5 times the rates under scale-L.

Each passenger is allowed a free allowance up to which he can carry luggage with him in the compartment, free of cost. The free allowance varies for different classes of travel. Children aged 5 and below 12 years are allowed half of the free allowance subject to the maximum of 50 Kgs. You are also permitted a marginal allowance. There is a maximum ceiling on the luggage which can be carried inside the compartment for each class. These are indicated in the table below :

The following maximum limit free allowance, marginal allowance are admissible for carriage of luggage in the compartment :

Class Free allowance Marginal allowance Maximum quantity permitted ( including free allowance)
AC First Class 70 Kgs 15 Kgs 150 Kgs
AC 2-Tier sleeper/First class 50 Kgs 10 Kgs 100 Kgs
AC 3-tier sleeper/AC chair car 40 Kgs 10 Kgs 40 Kgs
Sleeper class 40 Kgs 10 Kgs 80 Kgs
Second class 35 Kgs 10 Kgs 70 Kgs

The maximum limit includes free allowance.

Passenger are allowed to book and carry excess luggage beyond the free allowance with them in the compartment up to the maximum limit as per class mentioned above on payment of charge at 1.5 times of luggage rate.

When a passenger is detected either en route or at the destination with un booked or partially booked luggage weighing more than the free allowance, the excess un booked weight exceeding free allowance of luggage is charged at six times the luggage scale rate instead of 6 times of scale -R as earlier. However, if un booked or partially booked luggage is detected more than the free allowance of then luggage but within the marginal allowance, it is charged at 1.5 times the luggage scale rate. when a passenger is detected either en route or at destination with un booked or partially booked luggage weighing more than the maximum limit permitted the excess weight exceeding free allowance of luggage is charged at six times of the luggage scale rate subject to a minimum of Rs.50/-.

Luggage beyond the above quantity can be booked in advance and carried in brake Van.

If your luggage marginally exceeds the free allowance, you will be charged at the normal luggage rates applicable to your class of travel. Above marginal allowance penalty will be charged, If detected . Make sure to book your excess luggage in the luggage office, pay the prescribed charges and get your tickets endorsed by cross-referencing the luggage ticket details, before commencing your journey. Free allowance is not admissible for articles such as scooters, cycles etc.

IN case of theft of luggage, robbery / dacoits in running trains, you can approach train conductors/coach attendant/guards or GRP escort. They will give you the FIR Forms ,which may be duly filled in and handed over to them. The complaint will then be forwarded to the Police Station for necessary action. You need not break your Journey to lodge a complaint with the police .you can also approach the RPF Assistance Posts at major railway stations, for any assistance in lodging the complaint.

Where value of the luggage booked has not been declared beforehand by the consignor and the prescribing percentage charge not paid the monetary liability of the railways has been limited to Rs. 100/- per Kg. However, where the consignor has declared the value of the consignment and has also paid percentage charges, he will be entitled to get the claimed amount which will not exceed the value of the luggage so declared at the time of booking . The procedure of payment of percentage charge can be enquired from the luggage booking office.

A prescribed FIR Form in English, Hindi and regional Language is available in the Timetable or with 'TTEs/Guards or GRP escort. After filling it up, the form may be handed over to one of the official viz., TTE, Guard or GRP escort for registration of the report at the next police station.
All at the above services and commitments will be honored without the citizens' having to pay any bribe
  1. Under section 77-A of the Indian Railway Act, the liability of Railways as carriers of animals is limited as specified below, unless the sender elects to pay the percentage charge on value as shown in the Rule 1301: Per Head Elephants Rs.1500/- Horses Rs.750/- Mules, Camels or Horned Cattle Rs.200/- Donkeys, sheep, goats, dogs and other animals or birds Rs.30/-
  2. The sender or his authorized agent is required to declare the value of each animal on the Forwarding Note when the value of an animal exceeds the amount specified above.The sender or his authorized agent must also record in the Forwarding Note whether he engages to pay the notified percentage charge on value. Should he elect no to pay the notified percentage value on value, the animal will be accepted for carriage under the terms and conditions of Section 77-A of Indian Railway Act.
  3. The Railway will not be liable for the loss, destruction or damage arising from freight or restiveness of the animal or from overloading of vehicle or wagon by the consigner or his agent or delay not caused by the negligence or misconduct of their servants, irrespective of whether the sender has engaged to pay the percentage charge on value or not.
  4. Railway will not be responsible for the loss, destruction, damage, deterioration or non_delivery of animals after the termination of transit as defined in Rule 153.
  1. Dogs when carried in the break-van and/or A.C.C. and first class passenger compartments will be charged for at Scale 'L'(luggage Rates)on the basis of weights indicated below, subject to a minimum charge of Rs.10/- per dog, charges being Prepaid: When carried in break_van (Dog-Box) 30 Kgs When carried in passengers compartments 60 Kgs "Seeing Eye" dog traveling with a blind person in the compartment (First class) will, however, be charged the same tariff as for dogs carried in brake_van. The dogs must be provided with Collars and Chains. Owners should make their own arrangements for food and water for the dog during the journey. Dogs detected unbooked will be charged at six times the Luggage Scale Rate subject to a minimum of Rs.50/-
  2. A passenger traveling in First Air condition class or first class may take a dog into the compartment only with the concurrence of fellow passengers on payment of charges vide Clause(1) above. The charges are to be prepaid. If fellow passengers subsequently object to the dog remainig in the compartment, it will be removed to the Guard's van, no refund being given. Dogs detected unbooked with the passenger in IA and Ist class compartments will be charged six times the Luggage scale Rate subject to a minimum of Rs.50/-. A lady travelling alone with children under 12 years of age in a first class compartment may take with her in the compartment one dog on payment of charges at the Dog Box Rates,subject to a minimum of Rs.10/-provided that if another lady enters the compartment, the dog can only be allowed to remain in the compartment with her consent. Any dog detected unbooked will be charged at double the dog-box rate for the distance up to the point of detection and at the dog-box rate for the distance beyond the total charge being subject to a minimum of Rs.20/- for each dog.
  3. Dogs are not allowed to be carried in ACC Sleeper Coaches, Acc chair car coaches sleeper class and second class coaches.If a dog is found being carried in contravention of this rule, it will be removed immediately to the brake-van and charges will be levied six times the Luggage Scale Rate subject to a minimum of Rs.50/-
  4. Charge for dog carried in reserved compartments will be levied at the dog-box rate. Any dog tetected unbooked will be charged six times the Luggage Scale Rate subject to a minimum of Rs.50/-
  5. Large dogs which cannot be carried in the dog-box of a brake van will be carried in a special vehicle at the same rates and conditions as for horses.
Rules and rates for charging bicycles, tricycles motor bicycles and tricycles with auto-wheel attachments, side carts, go-carts, perambulators, rickshaws etc.

Indian Railways Ticket Reservation Rules

From 1st September 2001 onwards, concession to senior citizens through PRS (Passenger Reservation System) shall be granted only on demand and not by default as at present. The demand for concession shall be made on Reservation Requisition form in the case of reserved tickets. In the case of tickets issued to senior citizens on concession, during journey the concerned passengers are instructed to carry some documentary proof showing their age or date of birth, issued by any Government Institution/Agency/Local Body. like Identity card, Driving License, Passport, Educational certificate, certificate from Local Bodies like Panchayat/Corporation/Municipality, or any other authentic and recognised document. This documentary proof of age should be produced if demanded by some Railway official during the journey.

The Railway Administration reserves seats, berths, compartments, or carriage in accordance with the rules and conditions published in the Coaching Tariff. A passenger seeking reservation of berth or seats should purchase tickets from the Railway Reservation Offices/Authorised Travel Agency only.

Advance reservations are made generally up to 90 days in advance for all classes and all trains. The period of advance reservation (ARP) is exclusive of the day of departure of the train.

At intermediate stations where the train arrives on the following day, such reservations can be done more than 90 days in advance of date of journey from the intermediate station. ARP is in relation to the date of journey from train originating station. In case of some Inter-city day trains, the ARP is less.

An individual can book only up to six passengers on one requisition form provided all passengers are for the same destination and for the same train.

Only one requisition form is accepted from a person at one time. However, if onward/return journey are involved, 2 or 3 forms can be accepted for the same passengers.

Accommodation will not be reserved without purchase of necessary journey ticket. No reservation of accommodation will be made on provisional basis.

When berths are reserved for passengers, the intention is to provide sleeping accommodation between 9 PM to 6 AM. During 6 AM to 9 PM, the passengers concerned, if required make room for other passengers in compartment up to its carrying capacity.

Passengers are requested to quote PNR number which is printed on each tickets on the top left hand side for any enquiry or complaint relating to reservations.

Reservation ticket issued by the computerised system against pre-bought ticket must be accompanied by the journey tickets on train. Similarly journey cum reservation tickets bearing zero amount are not valid for journey unless accompanied by the valid authority to travel authorising issue of such tickets.

Allotment of accommodation is done by the computer as per pre-defined logic. Efforts are made to provide compact accommodation to persons booked under the same PNR on first come first served basis.

The Railway Administration will endeavour to provide reserved accommodation but does not guarantee the same and will admit no claim for compensation for inconvenience, loss or extra expense due to such accommodation including carriages, not being provided or reserved carriage not been attached to a particular train. The supply of any particular type of carriage or the provision of a particular berth and seat is also not guaranteed.

Departure time printed on the ticket is indicative for the guidance of the passengers. Passengers must ascertain correct timings from the Railway station on the day of journey. Such tickets are printed up to 90 days in advance. Any changes in timing after the issue of ticket can not be advised.

While every endeavour is made to advise changes in Time Table by due publicity, Railway Administration shall not be liable for any claim/compensation if a passenger misses a train on this account.

Under Section 142 of the Railways ACT, journey tickets including any half of a return ticket and season ticket are not transferable.

If any person not being a Railway Servant or an agent authorised in this behalf :

a.sells or attempts to sell any ticket or any half of a return ticket, or or attempts to part with the possession of a ticket against which reservation of a seat or a berth has been made or any half of a return ticket or season ticket. He shall be punishable under the Railways Act.

In addition, if the purchaser or holder of transferred ticket travels or attempts to travel therewith, he shall forfeit the ticket which he so purchased or obtained and shall be deemed to be traveling without a proper ticket.

Payment through credit cards for issue of reserved tickets is accepted on some nominated counters of computerised locations in India. In Northern Railway these counters are at IRCA, Reservation Office, New Delhi, Delhi Jn., Sarojini Nagar, Kirti Nagar and Karkadooma and the computerised reservation office, Lucknow .

All Master Cards and Visa Cards are accepted.

The reservation fee and supplementary charge on superfast train are as under :

AC Ist Rs. 35 Rs. 50
AC 2 Tier Rs. 25 Rs. 30
Ist (Mail/Express) Rs. 25 Rs. 30
Ist (Ordinary) Rs. 25 ---
AC - 3 Tier Rs. 25 Rs. 30
AC Chair Car Rs. 25 Rs. 30
Sleeper (Mail/Express) Rs. 20 Rs. 20
Second Sitting (Mail/Express) Rs. 15 Rs. 8
Sleeper (Ordinary) Rs. 20 ---
Second Sitting (Ordinary) Rs. 15 ---

The cluster stations definition is now suspended.
The system of issuing BPTs(Blank Paper Tickets) is now disabled.

1. For travel by all trains except Rajdhani,Shatabdi and Jan Shatabdi Express trains,the revised reservation fee,leviable on tickets booked for journeys originating from other then the ticket booking station is shown below.

CLASS Existing Reservation Fee Enhanced Reservation Fee for journeys originating from a station other than the one from where ticket has been issued
AC Ist Rs. 35 Rs. 50
AC 2 Tier Rs. 25 Rs. 40
AC - 3 Tier Rs. 25 Rs. 40
First Rs. 25 Rs. 40
AC Chair Car Rs. 25 Rs. 40
Sleeper Rs. 20 Rs. 30
Second Sitting Rs. 15 Rs. 25

2. For travel by Rajdhani,Shatabdi and Jan Shatabdi Express trains,also ,the increase in reservation Fee will be applicable on ticket issued for journeys originating from other than the ticket booking stations.
The additional reservation fee for such tickets,to be addedd additional in the basic fares shown in Passenger Fare Table,is shown below :

CLASS Additional reservation fee to be charged in total chargeable fares
Rajdhani Express trains
AC Ist Rs. 20
AC 2 Tier Rs. 20
AC - 3 Tier Rs. 20
AC Chair Car Rs. 20
Shatabdi Express trains
Executive Rs. 20
AC Chair Car Rs. 20
Jan Shatabdi Express trains
Second Rs. 15
AC Chair Car Rs. 20
  1. Military Officers traveling on free warrants, officers and staff of the Railway and P & T department traveling on Railway passes and MPs traveling on Identity Card are exempted from payment of reservation fee.
  2. The supplementary charge is not recoverable from MPs traveling on Identity Card, tourist holding Indrail passes, Railway Staff traveling on duty passes, privilege passes and PTOs.
  3. A passenger found traveling in a Super Fast Train without paying supplementary charge is liable to pay a penalty of Rs. 50/- in addition to the supplementary charge. However, passenger holding through ticket duly fulfilling distance restriction and boarding a superfast train at an intermediate station as per the ticket, is required to pay only the supplementary charge.
Passengers with confirmed reservation will be allotted berths at the time of booking and the coach and berth numbers are indicated on the ticket itself, except in case of first class ACC and first class coaches. The compartment/cabin/coupe numbers for first ACC and first class are allotted at the time of chart preparation.

The passengers whose names figure under R.A.C., are provided reserved sitting accommodation initially and are likely to get berths becoming vacant due to last minutes cancellation of reservation of passengers not turning up in time before the departure of the train,.

The requests for reservation at the reservation counters are accepted up to 4 hours before the scheduled departure of the train, after which, the reservation will be done at the current counters at the stations up to one hour before the scheduled departure of the train and thereafter by the Ticket Collector/Conductor on the platform, if vacant berths/seats are available.

(a) Requisition for reservation of berths in all classes from intermediate stations not having computerised reservation facility are entertained on purchase of journey tickets only. Such requisition should be given to the Station Master of the Intermediate station 72 hours before the scheduled departure of the train from the station. Such application shall be sent to the nearest computerised reservation office at the earliest.

If a passenger, for whom a berth or seat has been reserved, does not turn up up to 10 minutes before the scheduled departure of the train, the Railway Administration may cancel the accommodation reserved for him and allot it to the passenger on the RAC list/Waiting list accordingly on priority.

If a passenger desires to occupy reserved accommodation from any station enroute, he would be permitted to entrain at any intermediate station he chooses irrespective of the distance from the starting station subject to the following conditions :
  1. A specific request must be made in writing at the station from where the ticket is purchased and reservation made atleast 24 hours before the scheduled departure of the train from the starting station.
  2. The Railway Administration reserves the right to use such accommodation from the originating station up to the station at which the passenger is due to entrain.
  3. No refund will be permissible for the portion of journey not performed by the passenger.
Click here for New Rules

Railway Tickets Refund Rules - Indian Railways

If a ticket on which no reservation of a seat or berth has been made is presented for cancellation within three hours after the actual departure of the train for which the ticket is issued or for any ticket valid for the whole day, within three hours after the actual departure of the last train of the day for the destination station, refund of fare shall be made on every such ticket after deducting Rs. 10/- per passenger as clerkage.
(1) Subject to the provision of these rules, if a ticket on which reservation of a seat or berth has been made, is presented for cancellation, refund of fare shall be made after deducting cancellation charge from the fare as follows :

(a) If a ticket is presented for cancellation more than 24 hours before the scheduled departure of the train cancellation charge shall be deducted at the flat rate of Rs. 70/- for A.C First Class/Executive Class, Rs. 60/- for A.C. 2 Tier sleeper class/ A.C. 3 Tier sleeper class/ First class/A.C Chair Car, Rs. 40/- for Sleeper class and Rs. 20/- for Second class.

(b) If the ticket is presented for cancellation within 24 hours and up to four hours before the scheduled departure of the train, cancellation charges shall be 25% of the fare subject to the min. flat rate mentioned in clause (a).

(c) If the ticket is presented for cancellation within four hours before the scheduled departure of the train and up to :
  1. Three hours, when the ticket is for a destination station up to 200 KM.,
  2. Six hours, when the ticket is for a destination station of more than 200 KM but up to 500 KM., and
  3. Twelve hours , when the ticket is for a destination station of more than 500 KM.,
after the actual departure of the train, cancellation charges shall be 50 % of the fare subject to the min. flat rate mentioned in clause (a).

Provided that for night train leaving between 21:00 hours and 06:00 hours (actual departures), refunds shall be admissible at the station within the time limit specified above or within four hours after the opening of reservation office, whichever is later.

(2) No refunds shall be granted at the station if the ticket is surrendered for cancellation after the expiry of the period mentioned under clause (c) of sub rule (1).

Note: (1) In the case of tickets issued for travel from some other stations refunds shall be admissible at the ticket issuing station provided that the ticket is surrendered before the schedule departure of the train from the station from where the ticket is valid.

(2) On a party/family ticket issued for more than one person, where some persons have confirmed reservations and others are on waiting list, full refund less clerkage charges is admissible for confirmed passengers provided that the entire ticket is surrendered for cancellation at the journey commencing station within four hours before the scheduled departure of the train and up to three hours after actual departure of the train.
(1A) Subject to provisions of subrule (2), no cancellation charges shall be payable if a wait-listed or RAC ticket is presented for cancellation up to :

(i) Three hours, when the ticket is for a destination station up to 200 KM.

(ii) Six hours, when the ticket is for a destination station of more than 200 KM but up to 500 KM., and

(iii) Twelve hours , when the ticket is for a destination station of more than 500 KM.,

after the actual departure of the train except for a deduction of a clerkage charge of Rs. 20/- per passenger.

Provided that for night train leaving between 21:00 hours and 06:00 hours (actual departures), refunds shall be admissible at the station within the time limit specified above or within four hours of opening of the reservation office, whichever is later.

(2A) Where confirmed reservation has been provided to RAC or wait-listed ticket holder at any time up to the final preparation of reservation chart, such ticket shall be treated as a reserved ticket and cancellation charges shall be payable in accordance with rules mentioned above.

With effect from 1st March 2000, when an unused ticket involving more than one journey is surrendered for cancellation, the entire ticket shall be treated as one single journey ticket and refund of fare of entire ticket shall be granted as per rules (1) and (2) above, according to the reservation status of the first lap of journey, i.e. if reservation status of first lap of journey is confirmed, refund shall be granted in accordance with the rule (1) and (2) above and if the reservation status of first lap of journey is RAC/Wait-list, refund shall be granted in accordance with the rule (1A) and (2A) above. The cancellation charges or clerkage charge as the case may be, shall be levied only once on the entire amount of the ticket, irrespective of the reservation status of different laps of journey, and not separately for each lap of journey.
For partially used tickets where a passenger terminates his journey enroute, a ticket deposit receipt shall be issued by the station master and the ticket holder may apply for refund to the chief commercial manager (Refunds) of the concerned railway.
No cancellation charge or clerkage shall be levied and full fare shall be refundable to all passengers holding Reserved, RAC, and Waitlisted tickets, if the journey is not undertaken due to late running of the train by more than 3 hours of the scheduled departure of the train from the journey commencing station provided that the ticket is surrendered upto the maximum time limits prescribed in clause (c) of sub-rule (1) of rule 6 .Which is given below:

Full refund will be permitted even after the departure of train in the event of train running more than 3 hours late and that the time limits will be up to 3 hours if the distance of the ticket is up to 200Kms., up to 6 hours if the distance of the ticket is 201-500 Kms. and up to 12 hours after the departure of the train if the distance of the ticket is more than 500 Kms.

Full refund of fares shall be granted in case the railway administration is not able to provide accommodation for any reason whatsoever to passengers holding reserved tickets, provided such tickets are cancelled within three hours of the actual departure of the trains.

In case a train is cancelled due to accidents, breaches or floods, the full refund of fare is granted within three days excluding the scheduled day of departure of the train.

When the air-conditioning has not worked for a portion of the journey, the ref und for such portion of the journey is granted at the destination of the train on production of a certificate of the conductor /guard , if the ticket is presented within twenty hours of the arrival of the train as follows:
  1. In case of AC first class, the difference between the AC first class fare and first class mail fare.
  2. In case of AC 2 tier sleeper/AC 3 tier sleeper class, the difference between the AC 2 tier/AC 3 tier fare and the sleeper class mail /express fare.
  3. In case of AC chair car class the difference between the AC chair car class and second class mail/express fare.
  4. In case of Executive class ticket of Shatabdi trains, the difference between the notified executive class fare for the concerned section and first class mail/express fare for the concerned distance of that section.
If a ticket holder of higher class is made to travel in a lower class for want of accommodation in the class for which the ticket was issued, refund of difference between the fare paid and fare payable shall be granted at the destination station or the originating station as the case may be. The refund at the destination shall be granted only on the production of a certificate from the conductor/.guard/TTE and the ticket is presented within 2days of the date of issue of the certificate (excluding date of issue) of the arrival of the train at your destination To claim this refund passenger will have to submit ticket along with the certificate issued by te Traveling Ticket Examiner.
No refund is permissible against lost/misplaced tickets. However passenger will be allowed to travel on the reservation already made on confirmed one or RAC .If the loss of confirmed/RAC ticket is reported before the preparation of the reservation chart, duplicate ticket will be issued on the collection of the clerkage charge per passenger. If the loss of confirmed/RAC ticket is reported after the preparation of the reservation chart, duplicate ticket will be issued on the collection of the 50% of the fare . No duplicate ticket will be issued after the preparation of reservation chart in case of RAC ticket . Loss of tickets be reported to railways immediately to prevent fraudulent refunds on lost tickets.
Duplicate ticket can be issued only in case of torn/mutilated confirmed/RAC tickets.

The duplicate ticket can be issued against torn/mutilated ticket if it is reported to the railway and the passenger can travel on the accommodation reserved by him, by making payment and getting a duplicate ticket as per following table :

A) Before the chart preparation
Under this rule the duplicate ticket (in lieu of lost/misplaced/torn/mutilated/reserved/RAC tickets) will be issued  before the preparation of the reservation chart, duplicate ticket will be issued on the collection of the clerkage charge per passenger.If the loss of confirmed/RAC ticket is reported after the preparation of the reservation chart, duplicate ticket will be issued on the collection of the 50% of the fare

Refund on torn/mutilated ticket is admissible on torn/mutilated if its genuineness and authenticity are verified on the basis of of particulars visible on the face of such ticket .subject to the deduction of cancellation charges as per rules, provided that the authenticity of such a ticket is verified at the station on the basis of particulars visible on the face of ticket.

1) No duplicate ticket against lost RAC ticket is permitted after the chart preparation.
2) No duplicate ticket is issued against Wait List lost/torn/mutilated tickets.

If lost tickets are traced and presented along with the duplicate ticket before the departure of the train, refund is permitted for the duplicate ticket after deduction of 5% of the charges paid subject to a min. of Rs. 20/-. Thereafter, original ticket becomes valid for travel as well as refunds.
Tickets purchased on credit cards can be cancelled and Credit Slip obtained only at such Railway Stations where Credit Card counters exist.

If you need to cancel your tickets at other stations, where such counters are not available, please cancel your reservation and obtain a Ticket Deposit Receipt. You can then apply to Chief Commercial Manager (Refunds) of the zone, to which the Ticket Deposit Receipt - issuing station belongs.

 No refund will be granted on cancellation of confirmed Tatkal tickets/duplicate tatkal ticket except in case of circumstances mentioned in para 2 of instructions contained in Commercial Circular no. 53 of 2006 issued vide letter no. 2006/TGII/ 20/P/Tatkal, dated 30.06.2006. However, full refund of fare and tatkal charges will be granted on the tickets booked under Tatkal scheme in the following circumstances :-
  • If the train is delayed by more than 3 hours at the journey originating point of the passenger & not the boarding point if the passenger's journey originating point and boarding point are different.
  • If the train is to run on a diverted route and passenger is not willing to travel.
  • If the train is to run on diverted route and boarding station or the destination or both the stations are not on the diverted route.
  • In case of non attachment of coach in which Tatkal accommodation has been earmarked and the passenger has not been provided  accommodation in the same class.
  • If the party has been accommodated in lower class and does not want to travel. In case the party travels in lower class, the passenger will be given refund of difference of fare and also the difference of Tatkal charges, if any 
For Latest updates on refund rules Click Here

Procedure for Cancellation of I-Tickets

Cancellation of tickets before departure of trains
Cancellation of I-Tickets can be done at any computerised reservation counter across the country and a cancellation ticket obtained. NO CASH REFUND will be given. Bank charges that are being levied by the Payment Gateways/Banks are not subject to refund in the event of cancellation of tickets by the Customer. Service Charge is also not refundable. The refund amount will be credited to the respective account electronically, the following day of cancellation. Refund of fare shall be made after deduction of cancellation charge of the fare as follows:
  • If a RAC/waitlisted is cancelled then Rs. 20/- (Per Passenger) shall be deducted.
  • If a confirmed ticket is cancelled more than 24 hrs before the scheduled departure of the train, flat cancellation charges shall be deducted @ Rs.70/- for AC First Class/Executive Class, Rs.60/- for AC 2 Tier/AC 3 Tier/First Class/AC Chair car, Rs.40/- for Sleeper Class and Rs.20/- for Second Class. Cancellation charges are per passenger.
  • If a confirmed ticket is cancelled within 24 hrs and upto 4 hours before the scheduled departure of the train, cancellation charges shall be 25% of the fare subject to the minimum flat rate mentioned in the above clause.
Cancellation of tickets after departure of trains
I-Tickets can also be cancelled in the above manner, at the boarding station, within 4 hours before the scheduled departure of the train and
  • Upto 3 hrs after actual departure of train for tickets upto a distance of 200kms
  • Upto 6 hrs after actual departure of train for tickets upto a distance of 201-500kms.
  • Upto 12 hrs after actual departure of train for tickets over a distance of 500kms.
In all the above cases, cancellation charges will be 50% of the fare subject to the minimum flat rate mentioned in the above clause.
To cancel tickets after the above period
  • Surrender the I-Ticket with the Station Master and obtain a Ticket Deposit Receipt.
  • Prefer your claim for refund to the following address attaching the original copy of the Ticket Deposit Receipt:
    General Manager/Operations,
    Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation,
    9th Floor, Bank of Baroda Building,
    16 Parliament Street,
    New Delhi - 110 001.
  • IRCTC will process the refund claim with the Railway Administration and refund granted by the Railway shall be credited to your account.
  • Refund claims under above clause may require at least 90 days or more for processing.

Cancellation of I-Tickets in case of trains cancelled
I-Ticket can be cancelled upto 72 hrs after the scheduled departure of train at any computerised reservation counter.
The above rules of Indian Railways are subject to change without prior notice 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Your Adwords Account Just Got Bigger | Adwords News

AdWords account limits

These are the limits for an AdWords account:
  • 10,000 campaigns (includes active and paused campaigns)
  • 20,000 ad groups per campaign
  • 5,000 keywords per ad group
  • 50 active text ads per ad group
  • 300 display ads per ad group (includes image ads)
  • 4 million active or paused ads per account
  • 3 million keywords per account
  • 10,000 location targets (targeted and excluded) per campaign, including up to 500 proximity targets per campaign*
  • 100,000 active ad extensions per account
  • 1.3 million references to ad extensions per account**
Most advertisers don't reach this limit. Many accounts are best organized by creating one campaign and several ad groups within that campaign, and two or three ads and 10-35 keywords within each ad group. Learn more about structuring accounts.
If your ad groups are close to reaching their keyword limit, we'll place a notice in your account. Learn more about keyword limits and how to create an effective keyword list.

For More Details kindly Visit the link:

This is just for information purpose and allindiainformationonline is not responsible for any change in policy of respective company